HomeHome cleaning tipsInterior DesignOrganization March 4, 2021

Weeding Out – Closet Organization

March arrives.  The first whisper of Spring holds such promise.  We feel stirrings of hope.  As Winter’s cold begins to retreat, easing its grip upon our imagination and inclinations, slowly our spirits awaken, along with the natural world, from a long Winter’s slumber.  With earlier mornings and later evenings combined with unseasonably warm, sunny days, responding to something primal, all things seem to be stirring.  

The return of Spring stirs emotions in us as does no other seasonal event.  Perhaps this has you thinking seriously about selling your home.

In order to get the best price in a timely fashion, there are any number of things that need to be addressed to prepare your home to sell.  One thing that many may overlook is closets.  Closets?  Really?  Yes, buyers really do look in your closets…

This is the perfect time for closet purging.  Approach the task like gardeners approach pulling weeds.  Cleaning out closets may sound simple, but unless you want to end up just straightening the confusion, it is imperative that you come prepared with determination to sort, sift, and say farewell.  Realistically, it can take several hours to completely clean and organize one closet.  It is a good idea to pace yourself.  View it as an investment for mind, body, spirit.  The process will give you a feeling of complete satisfaction.

Spring is a new beginning and a fresh start.  Go for it!

HomeHome cleaning tipsHome repairInterior DesignLopez IslandOrcas IslandSan Juan Island February 11, 2021

Love your home!

The world seems to brace itself for February; the burnished silver skies seem to nearly sigh with stoic beauty, this quiet time.  But, February is, without a doubt, all about love.

Knowing what you love should be fairly straightforward, but it seldom really is.  After decades of allowing other people to influence us – the media, the magazines, our parents, our friends – one might consider going cold turkey.  The only opinion that truly counts from now on is your own.

There is nothing worse than walking into your home and feeling stressed out and overwhelmed.  You want to love your home, but all you might see is chaos.  Perhaps you considered moving, but it may not make sense financially.  At the same time, the environment in your home generally affects everything else in your world.  If you don’t love your home, it is going to reflect itself in the rest of your life.  If you want to love your home, it might be time to get intentional.

Start by being clear on what you want from your home.  It does not have to be perfect, but it should be a reflection of you and a place that inspires all who enter.  By making a few simple changes you can easily transform the entire atmosphere of your home as well as your attitude and mood. 

It might be something as simple as de-cluttering and organizing, making your bed every day, keeping floor space clear, painting a room, or bringing a bit of nature indoors like a houseplant or fresh-cut flowers.  Maybe display a framed inspirational quote or remove things that don’t make you happy.  Or, regularly open your curtains to let the light shine in!

If minor repairs are the issue for you, think baby steps – one item at a time.  One of the benefits of working with Greg King & Co. is we know who to call and how to get them there in a timely fashion!

This might be the year for asking questions.  The most essential one we can ask is:  what is it I truly love?  Be patient.  No need to totally overhaul your entire world in a week.  Trust that your authentic life will unfold naturally and with grace.

HomeKitchenOrcas IslandOrganizationSan Juan Island October 1, 2019

Island Life

The secret weapon for living life on an island is a well organized pantry.  A planned reserve of foodstuffs and sundries for everyday life, a pantry saves time, money, and stress.  Tap the pantry for unexpected meals and reduce trips to the mainland or even the grocery store. Stock it with frugal finds to lower grocery costs.  Set aside supplies for unexpected entertaining. This is the place for those fun specialty items to add that festive touch transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary!  Properly managed, the pantry is an integral part of island living.


You may be thinking you don’t have a pantry.  Sure you do! It may not be what one would traditionally envision as a pantry and it may be a closet, shelving in the garage, or even a large trunk, but a pantry it is!  Don’t confuse storage space with the reality of the pantry principle. Certainly it is helpful to have designated cabinet space for pantry goods, but that is not a pantry.  Think of the pantry as a reservoir of consumable goods which may be stored most anywhere in your home. The goal of establishing and maintaining a pantry is actually two-fold:  convenience and protection against unexpected events. A well-planned pantry means you will never run out of commonly used products. Even the smallest home can include a pantry.  A pantry is not a place – it is an attitude!


Disorganized pantries slow an otherwise productive person.  They can be a nightmare if not meticulously organized and maintained.  Putting away groceries could take twice as long as necessary, not to mention trying to find ingredients to prepare a meal when circumstances may not be ideal.


When stocking your pantry, keep in mind what you use on a regular basis.  Efficiency is the issue here and simplicity is key, but organization is critical.  Keeping your recipe repertoire in mind, decide which items you really need, then embellish your basics with some homemade treats.  You will be glad you did later!